
CrySp Speaker Series on Privacy, University of Waterloo

The talk was given at the CrySp seminar series at University of Waterloo. It was focused on recent works on cryptography for efficient payments in cryptocurrencies. Another version of the talk was given at University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Monero Talk

The interaction was focussed on building scalability solutions for Monero. We spoke about my work on Omniring, PayMo and Sleepy Channels

Crypto/Applied Crypto Seminar, CMU

The talk was given at a seminar series organized at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and it was on my work on Sleepy Channels: Bitcoin-Compatible Bi-directional Payment Channels Without Watchtowers

Crypto/Applied Crypto Seminar, CMU

The talk was given at a seminar series organized at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and it was on my work on Lockable Signatures for Blockchains: Scriptless Scripts for All Signatures that will appear at at IEEE Security & Privacy 2021. Another version of the talk was also given at Cornell Tech.

Monash Cybersecurity Seminars

The talk was given at a seminar organized at Monash University, Australia, and it was on my work on Verifiable Timed Signatures that was published at ACM CCS 2020. A shorter version of the talk was also presented at the Young Researchers Cryptographic Seminar 2020.

Monero Konferenco 2019

The talk was on my work, Omniring, that is a proposal to improving the security and performance of the transaction scheme of Monero. The academic work was published at ACM CCS 2019.

Invited talk at AFT ACM 2019

My work on Redactable blockchains that was published at IEEE S&P 2019 was invited to be presented at Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT) ACM 2019.